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Gravenhurst Academy



The Role of Governors

Governors are the people responsible for overseeing the work of the school acting as a critical friend and working closely with the School Leadership Team to advise and guide the school. Governors are responsible for setting and monitoring budgets, staff recruitment and retention, formulating and reviewing the School Development Plan and ensuring that all legal responsibilities and obligations are met.

Governors are all unpaid volunteers who come from a wide section of community. Elected parents, staff, co-opted members of the local community and political representative of the Local Authority. It is rewarding and worthwhile work and if you feel you have something to offer and are interested in becoming a school governor please contact the school office for more information.


The following governors were appointed by the full governing body of Langford Village & Gravenhurst Academies:

Mrs Ann Gilbert (appointed Governor)



Appointed by the LGB in Nov 2022 for 3 Years


HR & Safer Recruitment

Head Teacher Performance management




Julie Dennis (Clerk to Governors)



Alison Kane  (Staff Governor)

Appointed by the LGB in Oct 2024 for 3 years


Thomas Rowell (Staff Governor)

Appointed by the LGB in Sept 2024 for 4 years

Data (GHA)


Karen Truett (Parent Governor)

Appointed by LGB in Dec 2024 for 3 years


Becki A'Barrow (Parent Governor)

Appointed by LGB in Nov 2022 for 3 years


Amy Anderson (Appointed Governor)

Appointed by LGB Jan 2024 for 3 years

Health & safety (GHA)

Curriculum (GHA)




Data (LVA)




Susan Murphy (Staff Governor)

Appointed by the LGB in Sept 2023 for 3 years

Health and Safety (LVA)



Bob Vidler (Appointed Governor) 

Appointed by the LGB in Sept 2024 for 3 years


Religious Education


Jo Hankins (Parent Governor)

Appointed by the LGB Nov 2024 for 4 years


Data (LVA)

Curriculum (LVA)

Alison Wilshaw

English, Maths, PE, 

Pupil Premium 


Debbie Randall




Ex Officio


BEST Representative Alison Wilshaw



The Trust Report & Financial Statement can be found here.


The documents below can be found  here.

  • Trustee leadership
  • Trustee members
  • Trust Board of Declaration and Terms of Office
  • Memo of association
  • Funding agreement
  • Articles of association
  • Scheme of delegation