Team Houses
When starting at Gravenhurst Academy children are placed in a house or team.
The houses are named after woodland animals, these being:
Squirrels, Badgers, Hedgehogs and Foxes
Children can earn points which are added up weekly, and achievements celebrated in our weekly celebration assembly.
The house with the highest score at the end of the year wins the house trophy.
We also hold a sports day in which children represent their house and compete for the sports day cup.
As part of our citizenship/PSHE curriculum KS2 children stand for election for the role of Captain or Vice captain. This involves writing a manifesto and speaking to the children in assemblies. KS2 pupils also take on the responsibility of being prefects. However the main role for the KS2 pupils is to help and support younger children throughout the day and at house events.
We are proud of our houses as this enables children to quickly become part of the school community, and develop a sense of teamwork and feel a sense of belonging.